We are not 11 anymore. But we still consult our globe to track the geo-political implications of each day's headlines.

Would Mies van der Rohe buy this globe?
Only now – after college art history courses and years of reading shelter magazines – we expect each object we place in our home or office to reflect the principals of good design. What would Frank Gehry think of it? Would Philip Johnson have put it in his Glass House?

Surely these modern masters would approve of our sleek see-through Earthspheres, cast in heavy acrylic with countries, continents, and other topographical references carefully silk screened on the inside and thus impervious to sticky little fingers.
Several smart colors are available, including an eye-popping red version that is on display at Barney's right now. We prefer the the more understated ones imprinted in matte silver (shown above) or gold, as well as a stunning opaque black and white model that sports silver and gold highlights.
Our globes appear to float – they are mounted on graceful, sculptural pedestal bases of matching acrylic – and are available in two sizes, 12 in. ($295) and 16 in. ($395) in diameter.

These globes make wonderful gifts for the person who has nearly everything, except for, of course, an acrylic earthsphere.
Call or e-mail us for details.
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